Species: Euclide
Pairing: (Adult) Rakaeja X Biyuse
Owners: Tigs, Shini
Images:Types, Breeds, Ranks: Rakaeja: Emotion/Subconscious, Canine/Feline, Puppeteer
Biyuse: Agony, Lapine, Puppet
Fruits: I have a red and a yellow, and would use points to add two more reds and another yellow. I'm not sure what Tigs would be adding. ^^;;
Fruit Requests: I'd love the extra two reds you promised, and if you were willing to spend extra points, an orange would get much love from me, with my adoration of mutations. Also, green fruits are love, because of the mental disorders and the like. ^_^ Another thing...I think Tigs mentioned that she might throw in a black fruit? If so, I might be so bold as to beg your black fruit as well, to ensure that there's a new type in this mix.
Explination: Because they rock? Really, it's because I love the idea of my crazy Agony mixing genes with anyone of such a possibly crazy disposition. Plus, I've a definite fondness for the Subconscious type, as well as the Emotion type. I want to spread Biyuse's genes along, and Rakaeja looks like the perfect gentleman to do it. ^_^ The black fruit(s) would make an awesome addition, because I honestly have no clue what would come from a bundle of bebes like this.
Prefered Picking Order: Uhm...I don't really have a preferred picking order, although, at least initially, it would be Jenn first, and then hopefully me because Biyuse's mine, and then Tigs...with the amount of fruits being put into this, there'll be quite a few more than three bebes in this breeding, so yes, Jenn can have more than one! And if there is a new type...well, I know that it's horribly greedy of me, because I wouldn't be adding any of the black fruits, but if there was any possibility of me getting first crack at the new type bebe, then I would adore people forever...
Species: Euclide
Pairing: Dayobi X Endolorij'kae X Biyuse
Owners: Nat, Vyn, Shini
Images: geocities.com/apathetic_dirge/EL/new/euclide/endolorij-kae.htmlTypes, Breeds, Ranks:Dayobi: Masquerade, Feline/Avian, Puppet Master (?)
Endolorij'kae: Suicide, Feline/Canine, Puppeteer
Biyuse: Agony, Lapine, Puppet
Fruits: Again, my red and yellow, plus the points to buy two more reds and another yellow.
Fruit Requests: Green. Because they're fun. ^_^ And, of course, the extra reds.
Explination: Because it came waltzing into my brain and said, "Hey, wouldn't this be messed up?" I have no clue at all if Dayobi would even be interested in Biyuse, because she is kind of icky, considering that she bleeds all over the place constantly. But I could see a possible hint of fascination in that, in a sort of, "Why the heck am I even doing this?" train wreck sort of way. Plus, the bebes wouldn't necessarily be horrifically terrible, or utterly gorgeous, but a strange sort of in-between that highly appeals to me. Agony x Masquerade? Or Masquerade x Agony, whichever. A strange, and highly intriguing mix, at least to me. Also with Vyn's gorgeous Suicide added in for shiny, because Dayobi likes men but Biyuse could be there to help out and all and yay for the pretty?
Prefered Picking Order: I have no clue what order I'd like this in, though I'd prefer to be one of the first people to pick, because Biyuse would be carrying the bebes as a whole. And if there's enough for everyone to get at least one bebe, then yes, Jenn can have more than one.
Species: Euclide
Pairing: Jesiusfini X Biyuse
Owners: FP, Shini
Images: Types, Breeds, Ranks: Fini: End, Lapine, Marionette
Biyuse: Agony, Lapine, Puppet
Fruits: There's no need for yellow fruits in a breeding like this, so I'd throw in her red, and then use points to buy three more reds. Or maybe two reds and a green. Not sure what else would be thrown in.
Fruit Requests: The two reds for lots of bebes, and then...I dunno. Whatever's available?
Explination: Because it's damn pretty? And Agony/End bebes are hot.
Prefered Picking Order: Due to FP's rules on breeding with him, she'd get first choice. Or Jenn would, because it's her commish, and then FP. And then me. And then we can go in circles from there?